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Want to have access to ALL OF THE THINGS? Click here to access my GROWING End of Year Google Drive Folder. Over 15 activities inside!

Awesome way to wrap up and review the end of the semester or large unit! 100% interactive and the perfect way to get students engaged. Insert tons of links that are ascetically pleasing, rather than a huge list on a doc.


17 Slides in total to include:

  • Slide 2: Netflix Review Title Page 
  • Slide 3: Table of Contents 
  • Slide 4: Home Netflix Slide
  • Slide 5: Ready Slide
  • Slide 6: Topic 1
  • Slide 7: Topic 2
  • Slide 8: Topic 3
  • Slide 9: Topic 4
  • Slide 10: Topic 5
  • Slide 11-13: Educational png images and core subject clipart
  • Slide 14-16: Directions, Set Up, Assigning to Students
  • Slide 17: Example slide with my active links


Be sure to have students use present mode to allow students to navigate using the interactive features and linked in buttons!

Netflix Interactive Exam Review

$10.00 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price

    © 2022 by Kinda Sorta A Teacher.

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